Johns Hopkins Carey Business School’s alumni magazine, formerly known as ONE, has undergone a name change to Carey Business. A reader’s survey determined that alumni and friends of Carey would feel more connected to the magazine if it bore the school’s name at the top of the masthead. We were asked to rework the cover nameplate and revise some departments, while retaining the overall design direction of previous issues (which, by the way, received high marks from readers). Examples from the redesign are shown here.
The cover story, on the business challenges created by global water shortage, was illustrated by Patrik Svensson.
Recurring departments such as "By the Numbers" and "Perspectives" (above) have been streamlined and enlivened with conceptual illustrations. A new department, "Career File" (below right), will feature professional advice from top business leaders, and will be illustrated by Serge Bloch. A feature story on a new Design Leadership program that combines creative thinking with business principles begins with a profile of Richard Best (below), photographed by Chris Myers. Best is a graduate of the program and plans to create an "urban art park" under a midtown Baltimore expressway.
Other recent Johns Hopkins editorial work:
• Johns Hopkins Leap
• Johns Hopkins Breakthrough
• Johns Hopkins Changing Business